Where you can find my work:

Sunday, February 20, 2011

What a Month!

Since we had a massive systems change-over at work and our home came down with what was probably the most horrible flu ever, I haven't spent much time at the torch. I did manage to finally get back to it this week and I am quite proud of my recent work. I have been working on my 'feminine guiles' so to speak (in glass...there's no hope for guiles elsewhere!)

I like colors I can cook and cook and cook until they morph into something new. Pinks, whites, and purples do not like to be cooked. Most of them don't even want to be heated past a lampworker luke-warm. I hate them. My recent excursion into girly colors is teaching me a very important lesson in general heat control.

Ok, enough babble...here's some bead porn:

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